GfÖ Annual Meeting 2025 September 01 to 05, 2025 in Würzburg, Germany
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the 54th
Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, which will be held September 1-5, 2025 at the University of Würzburg.
The icebreaker will be opened by a
“Wilderness and Climate Show” by award-winning nature filmmaker
Jan Haft and the
Orchestras of Change.
During the conference, you can take part in a wine-tasting session in the last remaining baroque wine cellar, a World Heritage site, constructed by Balthasar Neumann between 1720 and 1744
Several interesting keynotes for the conference have already been approved, including Anne Chao (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan), Zuzana Burivalova (University Wisconsin-Madison, US), Jos Barlow (Lancaster Environment Centre, UK), Jean-Philippe Lessard (Concordia University, Canada), Lorenzo Marini (University of Padua, Italy).
At the University of Würzburg, several chairs focus on ecology from different perspectives and coordinate this annual meeting: the Chair of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology, the Chair of Global Change Ecology, the Chair of Conservation Biology & Forest Ecology, and the Chair of Remote Sensing. All of them focus on current challenges in various ecosystems around the world and train young biologists and remote sensing students for positions not only in academia but also in conservation practice. The 54th Annual Meeting’s motto is
"Ecological Systems Under Pressure: Challenges and Solutions" and aims to stimulate exchange between the academic ecological community and practitioners to find solutions to environmental problems. The Local Organising Committee covers a wide range of ecological topics, from classical organismic ecology, via nature conservation issues and functional biodiversity research to remote sensing, in forests, agricultural landscapes, and urban environments in the tropics and temperate zones. The 54th Annual Meeting of the GfÖ will be an interdisciplinary platform to discuss the challenges of our time with scientists from a broad range of ecological disciplines.
Venue: Building Z6, Campus Hubland Süd (Zentrales Hörsaal- u. Seminargebäude)
The organizing committee encourages all members of the GfÖ and all scientists interested in ecological research to submit their talks when we open the registration in March 2025.
In contrast to previous years, no session proposals have to be submitted. Instead, we will ask all contributors to select themes from a predefined list of topics matching their contribution best. The organisation team will form suitable sessions from this information, evaluate submissions with the help of external experts from the community, and assign oral presentations and posters. If you would like to volunteer as a session chair (which is more than welcome!), please send an email to with your name and favourite topic. We will then be happy to involve these people in the formation of the sessions. If you would like to suggest a specific session theme or offer a workshop, please email your name and title for the session or workshop to until March 6th 2025.
We are looking forward to arranging a stimulating conference and hope that you will be able to participate. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our conference office at:
We look forward to welcome you in Würzburg!
With kind regards,
Jörg Müller (Chair of Conservation Biology & Forest Ecology),
Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter (Chair of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology),
Christian Hof (Chair of Global Change Ecology),
Stefan Dech (Chair of Remote Sensing)
(on behalf of the organizing committee)