Childcare (children from 1 year to 10 years)

We are aiming to organize childcare for the children of the participants of the GfÖ conference, but before we do so we need to get an idea of whether there would be a demand for this service and how big the demand would be. With this information to hand, we will be able to follow-up and look for suitable offers. So if you would be interested in childcare, please e-mail ) until the 30 of July to inform us of your requirements, i.e. whole day / half day / for which hours during the day / on which days during the conference / for how many children and their age(s). Further information will be provided when we know the final number of children requiring care assistance.

This is what we are planing to offer:
Childcare is free of charge. It is a service that is part of our "equal opportunities and accessibility" desire. The idea would be to arrange the childcare around your schedule as much as possible so that you are able to enjoy the conference as much as possible.

We will set up one of the rooms in the forestry building with toys and a sofa and such. It is a very pleasant room, with light and easy access to the meadow that the local kindergarten uses with their children. The location of this room means that you can easily visit your little one when ever you would like, maybe between sessions?

A babysitter will organised through "TUM4Kids". These are people who have been given the necessary courses through the university for childcare. Currently I am in negotiation with a babysitter who I know, who has work for a year in a kindergarten and knows how to create plans and activities for the children in her care. Nearer to the time, I will put you in contact with the babysitter so that you can provide them with important details, such as what your child's favourite activity is.

Toys, games and fun:
We are borrowing the TUM kidsbox und Spielekoffer from the Garching campus family centre

We are currently also checking the possibilities to organize lunch for the children. In any case we would like it if you could provide the snacks.