Call for Papers

Starting from 1 April 2025, the organizing committee encourages all members of the GfÖ and all scientists interested in ecological research to submit your planned contribution to GfÖ 2025 (oral presentation or poster) via the online submission platform. The deadline for submissions is 6 May 2025.

In contrast to previous years, sessions are not defined in advance (with very few exceptions). Instead, we ask all contributors to select themes from a predefined list of topics matching their contribution best. The organisation team will form suitable sessions from this information, evaluate submissions with the help of external experts from the community, and assign oral presentations and posters.

If you would like to volunteer as a session chair (which is more than welcome!), please send an email to with your name and favorite topic. We will then be happy to involve these people in the formation of the sessions.

If you would like to offer a workshop, please email your name and title and description for the workshop until 6 March to

How to submit an abstract

To submit an abstract, first complete the online registration form. During the registration process, you will be asked to create a username and password of your choice. With these you can then log in to the online page "Submissions" and fill in the form field provided there.
Select up to 3 different themes in the order of your preference. Themes are listed in the drop-down menus on the submission form. You are entirely free to choose any combination of themes that matches your contribution best, so you are not restricted to choose themes from different theme sections (e.g. topics, methods, and organism).

Each participant can submit two contributions: one oral presentation and/or one poster. The length of the abstract is limited to 2000 characters including spaces.
