Guidelines for speakers

Presentation guidelines

Technical information

Instructions for Posters

Poster sessions are an important part of this conference. There will be a total of 2 scheduled poster sessions during the conference Tuesday and Wednesday.
  1. Layout and Design:
    • logical layout with clearly defined sections (e.g., Title, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion).
    • Ensure high contrast between text and background for readability.
  2. Visual Elements:
    • Use high-quality graphics (300 dpi or higher).
    • clearly label all figures, tables, and images and include legends or captions.
  3. Font and Text:
    • Title font size: 72-100 pt.
    • Section headings: 36-48 pt.
    • Body text: 24-32 pt.
    • Sans-serif fonts (e.g., Arial, Helvetica).
  4. Poster Submission:
    • Please bring your own poster printed for the poster session.
    • For the poster pitches: format PDF. See oral presentation guidelines for the deadlines.
Poster pitches: Be prepared to give a brief (1-2 minute) summary of your poster to conference attendees.